Guests: Audrey Johnson

Four Wolves, One Hen

The Chief is joined by Greg Pappas and John Flannigan to talk on the NFL, Chicago crime and immigration. Next, we’re joined by Audrey Johnson with insights on the housing market. Plus a gift for The Chief on his birthday!

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OJ of Chicago

The Chief is joined by Greg Pappas, Kevin O’Neill and John Flannigan to talk on market increases, the demise of phone booths, Finally, we’re joined by Audrey Johnson with insights on the housing market.

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Quite The Conspiracy

The Chief is joined by Greg Pappas, Mike Murphy and John Flannigan to talk on the Israel-Palestine war, current market trends and thoughts on the military industrial complex. Finally, we’re joined by Audrey Johnson with insights on the housing market.

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Liberal Bleeps

The Chief is joined by Greg Pappas, John Flannigan and Mike Murphy to talk on Israel, Hamas and the Gaza Strip. Finally, we’re joined by Audrey Johnson with insights on the housing market.

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Thank God Sports Are Over

The Chief is joined by Greg Pappas to talk on current market trends. Mike Murphy and John Flannigan join in to talk on Chicago, sports and much more. Finally, we’re joined by Nancy with insights on the housing market.

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