Guests: Christine Prentice

Ethanol for All

Chris Manns of PTI Securities & Futures is in-studio for ‘Ag Mondays’. Tom Marquis, VP and Director of Marketing at Marquis Energy, talks about his company’s growth in the industry and what it takes to ship ethanol globally. Then, Christine ‘Chris’ Pentice, Journalist at Reuters focusing on the sugar and bio-fuels industries, takes a look at the overall ethanol landscape along with corn-based ethanol versus sugar-based. Finally, David Andalman of DACS Research discusses the Colin Kaepernick situation before taking a look at the markets. 

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Now Who’s Being Naive?

‘Ag Mondays’ continues with Chris Manns in-studio and special guest Christine Prentice, soft commodities and bio-fuels reporter at Reuters. Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics talks ‘Brexit’. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures’ Peoria, AZ office shares a ‘Stock of the Day’. Finally, David Andalman of DACS Research talks NBA Finals before telling us how to trade these markets.

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