Guests: Fari Hamzei

Salon At Closing Time

Lou Michels is stunned by the lack of coordination and cooperation in US, joins us for hour one addressing the points about government’s inability to act properly to protect our people, opportunity for bureaucrats to expand their influence, crashed medical care and more. Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics kicks off hour two discussing aroused intensity in the market due to the spreading disease.David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures continues the debate discussion before talking $GLD performance versus $USD.

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Preparing for the Worst

Lou Michels joins us for hour one discussing the latest on the Coronavirus outbreak and what people are doing to prepare for the worst. Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics reflects on Super Tuesday and how he’ll vote for anyone versus President Trump. David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures continues the Coronavirus discussion and how it’s affecting the markets.

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Debate Hate

Lou Michels joins us for hour one discussing last night’s democratic debate before comparing the NFL’s handling of ‘Spy Gate’ versus the MLB’s handling of the Astros’ sign stealing scandal. Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics kicks off hour two wondering if there’s a democratic candidate capable of taking down President Trump. David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures continues the debate discussion before talking $GLD performance versus $USD.

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Stealth War

Lou Michels joins us for hour one discussing the latest on the Coronavirus. Special guest, Jeff Joseph of Luckbox Magazine, joins Chief and Lou to share his own disturbing run-in with Chinese censorship and deceit (don’t forget, Stocks & Jocks listeners receive a FREE digital subscription at up today!). Hour two is heavy with markets talk with Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics who isn’t so sure this is just another ‘buy the dip’ opportunity. Then, David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures closes the show talking commodities, the $EU and $BA.

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Perception Becomes Reality

Lou Michels joins us for hour one discussing the latest details on Coronavirus and China, unemployment rates, movie culture of 60’s and much more .Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics calls in to talk about Tesla stocks, market and economics. David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures closes the show talking $AAPL, $GLD and oil.

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