Guests: Gregg Rzepczynski

Capitulation Station

The Chief and Matty Weber discuss basic liberties, the NFL playoff race and the college football bowl picture. Joel Elconin of Benzinga talks markets. Robin Spitalny of PTI Securities & Futures rejoins the program to take a look at the retail sector. Kenny Polcari, Director of NYSE Floor Operations at O’Neil Securities and a contributor to CNBC shares his thoughts on the markets. Finally, Gregg Rzepczynski, Chicago attorney, is in-studio.

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Searching for Consistency

Chicago attorney, Gregg Rzepczynski, is in-studio discussing the legalization of marijuana, the Fox Lake police scandal and much more. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures promotes the upcoming seminar at the Peoria, AZ office on November 19th (call 602-298-1278 for more info on the seminar). Karl Denninger of Market Ticker rejoins the show to breakdown the presidential candidates before going over the labor numbers. Finally, David Andalman of DACS Research tells us how to trade these markets.

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GOP Dropouts

Gregg Rzepczynski joins the Chief, Kathy Dervin, and Kevin Riordan for the first hour of the Friday morning circus covering the importance of social media, Halloween pop-up stores, and the renewed Viagra patent. The Chief and Kathy carry on into the top of the second hour talking about why more GOP candidates haven’t dropped out yet and the disappearance of small banks. In the last half hour the Chief and John Neal talk about what stocks are lookin’ good and how the internet has changed trading.

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Within the Range

Chicago attorney, Gregg Rzepczynski, is in-studio discussing gun control, college football, the MLB playoffs and much more. Joel Elconin of Benzinga talks markets. Finally, Kenny Polcari, Director of NYSE Floor Operations at O’Neil Securities and a contributor to CNBC, shares his thoughts on this week’s trading sessions. 

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