Guests: James Connell
Getting Out of Guantanamo
September 16, 2016
The Chief and Nick kick off the show to talk about inflation. If you think that your paycheck immediately inflates when prices inflate, you are sorely mistaken. Kathy Dervin joins us live in studio – as we get to poke fun at Chief. We touch upon some local politics before our first guest joins us.
James Connell, Lead Defense Counsel at Guantanamo Bay, joins us from Washington D.C. He explains to us exactly just how many people are left in Guantanamo, how many are cleared for release and what the next steps are for these people that are cleared for release.
The Chief and Karl Denninger of Market Ticker round out the show to talk specifically about the 5.2% alleged rise in Middle Class income.
Good Morning Guantanamo
October 23, 2015
James Connell, Lead Defense Counsel at Guantanamo Bay, joins the Chief, Kathy Dervin, and Kevin Riordan to talk about Guantanamo. James discusses the difficulties in trying to get fair trials for the Guantanamo prisoners and substantial Guantanamo-Chicago connections including Homan Square and CPD Detective Richard Zuley who was brought to Guantanamo to torture inmates. The Chief and Kathy also ask James about what his life is like, from weather to walmart, when he’s down there. In the last half hour the Chief discusses Amazon and the “negative-yield universe” that is seizing European markets. David Andalman joins the show in the last few minutes to discuss whether cash currency is on the out.