Guests: Joel Elconin

Blood Turnips

Tom and Karl talk about solar photography and healthcare collusion followed by Joel with NIL discussion and Kenny on the effects of changing interest rates. Dr. Hal joins for the second hour talking groupthink, uncertainty, and life on navy ships. 

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Ozempic And Other Tales!

Today, The Chief is joined by Kenny, Joel, and Hal to talk Ozempic, refusal of people to enforce laws, further corruption, a look back on 2020 protocols, plus how fear fuels the human condition.

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A Certain Bridge in Baltimore!

On today’s episode, The Chief is joined by Kevin, Joel, Hal, and Karl talk the art of getting ejected from sports teams, college sports contract/campus controversies, the multiple facets of homelessness, and a certain bridge in Baltimore!

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More Minimum Wage Woes

On today’s episode, the Chief is joined by Karl and Joel, who discuss further peril in the housing market. After that, Kenny joins in and discusses the current mess-up that is the calculation of unemployment statistics. Hal then comes on to elaborate on current minimum wage issues, amid the rising of needs’ prices.

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Lies, Damned Lies, and National Debt

On today’s episode, The Chief, Karl, Joel, and Hal discuss CNBC’s Michelle Fox’s article on staggering national debt increases, government “claims” on everything, and old cigarette economics.

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