Guests: John Flannigan

Bears Are Undefeated

Chief, Greg, Kevin, and John talk about this weeks upcoming events and recap the bears performance. Audrey joins later to provide updates and insights on the real estate market with John.

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Goodhart’s Law?

Lou and Tom explore topics related to the economic and business practices of the Soviet Union, toilet seats, and Goodhardts law. New guest Tommy Grisafi joins to discuss the American farmer, cash rent cowboys, fertilizer cartels followed by Kevin and John’s summary of the average college fatso’s NIL contract.

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Truth, Justice & DEI

This morning, we are joined by Greg to talk on Pavel Durov and TV network stocks. Next, John joins us to talk the 2024 Presidential race and Lincoln’s genetics. Finally, Audrey joins our second hour to discuss the current housing market in Chicago.

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You Invent The Hula-Hoop, You Get to Sell It

Greg and Chief kick things off with a discussion about the stock market. John calls in to talk about massive recession and corruption in the market system. Michael jumps on the air to discuss politics and contingency funds. Finally, Nancy and Chief talk about mortgage rates and soft jobs.

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Chief The Gymnast

This morning, we are joined by Greg to talk on current stock trends. Next John joins us to talk on the 2024 Paris Olympics and all that it entails. Finally, Audrey joins our second hour to discuss the current housing market in Chicago.

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