Guests: Karl Denninger

Ozempic And Other Tales!

Today, The Chief is joined by Kenny, Joel, and Hal to talk Ozempic, refusal of people to enforce laws, further corruption, a look back on 2020 protocols, plus how fear fuels the human condition.

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A Certain Bridge in Baltimore!

On today’s episode, The Chief is joined by Kevin, Joel, Hal, and Karl talk the art of getting ejected from sports teams, college sports contract/campus controversies, the multiple facets of homelessness, and a certain bridge in Baltimore!

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Putin on the Ritz And Some Gambling Fits

On this episode, The Chief is joined by Michael, Kevin, and Karl to discuss current opinions on the Russia/Ukraine War, Labor statistics (and alleged accuracy), getting taxed on gambling, and the nature of crimes.

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Balances and Buffett’s Best!

On today’s episode, The Chief and Karl discuss ties between business growth, the Fed, and a balanced economic system. Russell then comes in to talk cash flow, volatility, and how Warren Buffett chooses stocks. Finally, Hal joins the conversation with almanacs, puts, and public education.

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The American Education Episode!

On today’s episode, The Chief is joined by Kevin and Kenny to discuss the Chicago education system, education certifications, education credits, and more still on the national migrant situation.

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