Guests: Lorenzo Fioramonti

Quality Over Quantity

Kevin O’Neill joins us for hour one to discuss the pros and potential cons of the new GOP Tax Bill. Lorenzo Fioramonti, Author, Professor and Director of Governance Innovation, calls in from South Africa in an effort to dispel the importance of measuring economic health via GDP growth. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location previews Conference Championship Sunday in the NFL before talking markets. 

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The World After GDP

David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures tips off the show discussing how he thinks the Trumpcare vote will pan out and how it may or may not affect the markets. Kathy Dervin is in-studio. Chief and Kathy welcome Lorenzo Fioramonti, Author, Professor and Director of Governance Innovation. Professor Fioramonti reveals how he thinks GDP growth as a measurement and/or target is an outdated way of gauging performance. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location talks March Madness, tech stocks and healthcare. 

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