Guests: Lou Michels

How low can we go?

Lou returns from his Euro trip, Dan and Tom talk markets, and Greg is a conspiracy theorist!

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Dan Returns to Chicago

This Thursday morning Lou and Tom talk cartoons, corruption cases, and grocery store fights followed by Dan (in the flesh/studio) to explain portfolio construction and different risk tolerances.

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Stock Trek

Lou and Chief explore cheesy tv history, rebel piracy, and US defense. Dan joins the second hour to talk Boston, stock indexes, and other topics.

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Nuclear Football

Lou and Tom talk leadership characteristics as they relate to the military and politics. Next Dan calls with insights on macro influences, rates, and trading money for money.

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Lou and Chief remember Normandy and wartime leaders followed by a discussion about NCAA contracts with student athletes. Dan joins for the second hour on index weightings, bond pricing, and how the consumers have dealt with recent inflation.

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