Guests: Palmer Bailey

The Big “They”

The Chief starts the show considering the complaints the FED is getting with the dropping rates. Kevin Riordan and Kathy Dervin join in to discuss the markets and the topic of the week– Oil, oil, oil. Palmer Bailey, AKA legalman, joins in at the top of the hour to discuss the Supreme court and the question of the day, “Who is the big They?”

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Janet Yellen “Got it Right”

Kathy Dervin and Kevin Riordan join the Chief in the first hour to discuss Glencore’s falling shares, Nike’s increased dominance in the sports apparel market, and Janet Yellen’s speech regarding the raising of interest rates. In the later hour “legalman,” Palmer Bailey, calls in to discuss his article on the 14th Amendment and more. John Neal jumps on in the last half hour to discuss the market with Chief.

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Throw ‘Em All Out

Kevin Riordan of Capital Trading Group and Kathy Dervin are in-studio talking bonds, job numbers and more. Palmer Bailey, AKA ‘Legalman’ of joins us to discuss corruption among the judicial branch and how we can potentially turn it around. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures talks markets before sharing a “Stock of the Day”. 

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