Guests: Rick Newman
Taxing Situation
September 1, 2017
Kevin O’Neill kicks off the show talking healthcare spending and how much is too much when compensating executives. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ office talks baseball, $GLD and $SLV. Finally, Rick Newman of Yahoo Finance returns to the show. Chief and Rick have a spirited discussion on the tax code and would true tax reform might look like.
Predatory Pricing
June 20, 2017
Jon Najarian of CNBC’s ‘Fast Money’ calls in to discuss predatory pricing, $UBER, $AMZN and much more. Joel Elconin of Benzinga touches on the NBA Draft before talking markets. Kenny Polcari, Director of NYSE Floor Operations at O’Neil Securities and a contributor to CNBC, talks North End Boston after Matty Weber’s trip and then wonders what’s up with oil? Rick Newman, author and columnist for Yahoo Finance, breaks down tax reform, inflated healthcare costs and more. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location tells us about the debilitating weather in Phoenix before sharing trading strategies with the Chief.
Winners and Losers
December 18, 2015
The Chief and Matty Weber talk White Sox and Cubs offseason moves and more. Rick Newman of Yahoo! Finance shares his opinions on the effectiveness of the Affordable Care Act, the Fed’s raising of the interest rates and government corruption. Finally, David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures makes a rare Friday morning appearance to talk down markets.
Anyone’s Game
August 28, 2015
Kathy Dervin and Kevin Riordan discuss their predictions for where the market will head today. Rick Newman of Yahoo! Finance joins the show with his own insight in the market decline. And John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures has his stock of the day.
Who in the Health Cares?
May 27, 2015
Lou Michels jumps on to discuss Greece. Special guest Rick Newman, Author and Writer for Yahoo! Finance, talks about Obamacare and the disarray our healthcare system has been in for decades. Finally, David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures talks markets.