Guests: Russell Rhoads

Russell’s Russell

Kevin and Chief talk the Magnificent 7 and credit card balances. Mike chimes in with foreign policy analysis and Russell joins for the second hour exchanging views on oil demand and the Russell index (no relation) vs the S&P.

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Stocks And Jocks On Ice

Kevin O’Neill joins our first hour to chat on updates in the market with a small side of sports business talk. Russell Rhoads joins our second our to discuss the upcoming announcement of the Fed’s rates, and much more market and investing chat.

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One Day Mirage

Chicago attorney, Brendan Cournane, leads off talking violence in Chicago, the housing markets, and more. Joel Elconin of Benzinga weighs in on Michigan football before talking bear markets. Kenny Polcari, Chief Market Strategist at SlateStone Wealth and a contributor to Fox Business, continues the markets conversation. Russell Rhoads, Clinical Professor of Financial Management at the Kelley Business School at IUPUI, joins us for the final hour to talk currencies, the Chicago Bears, and much more.

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A Bit Of Coin

Kevin O’Neill calls in for the first hour to chat on the market and the effect of production overseas, some political chat, and much more. Special guest Ryan Flynn joins usual Russell Rhoads to discuss Bitcoin and digital currency.

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Chopped Up

Kevin O’Neill calls in for the first hour to chat on past and present government policies helping (or at least trying to) aid those in poverty and more talk on the market. Russell Rhoads joins our second hour to discuss the newly released CPI numbers, and much more on the market!

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