Guests: Scott Nelson

Growing Your Bank’s Role

Kathy Dervin is in-studio discussing the current role of banks, government probing and more. Kevin O’Neill with an impromptu call-in to chime in on the aforementioned topics. Then, Scott Nelson, Professor at William & Mary shares his thoughts on the Denny Hastert indictment, railroad history and more. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures talks markets. 

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Greek Banks and U.S. Employment Numbers

Kathy Dervin and Kevin Riordan of Capital Trading Group are in-studio. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures shares a “Stock of the Day”. Professor Scott Nelson of William & Mary discusses the world’s view on Greek bonds and unemployment numbers. 

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Buy the Dip, Stupid!

John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures and Marty Kearney of the CBOE join us to talk ‘buy the dip’ strategies and today’s markets. Kevin Riordan of Capital Trading Group and Kathy Dervin are in-studio discussing the Eric Garner situation, the Bears’ loss to Dallas on Thursday Night Football and much more. Then, Professor Scott Nelson of William & Mary returns to the show to discuss the current state of the economy. Finally, David Andalman of DACS Research talks jobs numbers.

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