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Wins and Losses

Kevin and Chief start off with a discussion about MLB payrolls and the evolution of the game. Then, Karl calls in to talk about politics, and American economics.

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Hey! We Can’t See The Road Anymore

Lou calls in first on car reliability, rage-bait in the media, and middle east escalation. Dan joins the second hour to talk about the importance of minimizing risk/volatility and impressive Q3 results.

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Why Don’t You Buy Us A Horse?

On today’s episode Kevin O’Neill joins the Chief to talk on last night’s Vice-Presidential debate, ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and much more. Russell Rhoads joins our second hour to continue the chat on the conflicts, discuss the waning want for having children in younger generations and another serving of presidential race discussions.

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A Strike and a Storm

Karl and Chief kick off our show to discuss Hurricane Helene and last night’s pot strike. Joel calls in to talk baseball standings and the market’s response to the strike. Finally, Hal joins Chief on the air to talk about the presidential candidates, history of the railroad, and minimum wages.

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Steve Goodman’s In The Landfill Now

This morning, we are joined by Greg and Kevin to talk on all things MLB and NFL. Next, John joins us to delve deep on bike lanes and schools in Chicago. Finally, Nancy joins our second hour to discuss house insurance and the ever decreasing flood plains.

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