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Flight Tragedy

Lou and Tom discuss the plane crash in DC as well as departure from controlled flights. Andrew Kreig and Wayne Madsen call in for the second hour to describe white house call girls, Nixon and Watergate, and honesty in the media.

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Lou Michels is an employment and sports law attorney with a national law firm, who is also an NFL player agent. He joins the Stocks & Jocks show every Thursday morning from Denver, Colorado. Lou represents companies and individuals in dealing with workplace problems ranging from labor union and discrimination cases to employment contracts and trade secret disputes. He played football at Air Force, and graduated from Duke Law School, where he developed an appreciation for college basketball. He is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel. Lou grew up in Winnipeg, Canada, and Minneapolis, where his father was a professional football coach for the Minnesota Vikings for almost 30 years.



Andrew Kreig

Andrew Kreig is a Washington, DC-based commentator, drawing on his careers in law, business, journalism and non-profit advocacy. Currently, he is Executive Director of the Justice Integrity Project, created to improve oversight of federal white-collar prosecutions.

As President and CEO of the Wireless Communications Association International from 1996 until 2008, Kreig led its evolution into the premier worldwide advocate for high-capacity wireless services. Such services include tech-enabled efficiencies in community economic development, education, green technology, health care, military preparedness and public safety protections for homeland security. Previously, he authored many bylined news and magazine articles, plus the pioneering 1987 book “Spiked: How Chain Management Corrupted America’s Oldest Newspaper.”


Wayne Madsen

Starting in 1997, after his military service as a U.S. Navy lieutenant assigned to Anti-Submarine Warfare duties and to the National Security Agency as a COMSEC analyst, he applied his military intelligence training to investigative journalism.

He has since written for many daily, weekly, and monthly publications including The Progressive, the Village Voice, Philadelphia Inquirer, Houston Chronicle, Allentown Morning Call, Juneau Empire, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Real Clear Politics, Danbury Newstimes, Newsday and many others.

Throughout his journalistic career, he has been a television commentator on many programs, including 60 Minutes, Russia Today, Press TV, and many others.