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Turkish Lira Turmoil

Options guru and veteran floor trader, Frank Fahey, kicks off the show talking sports, markets and vaccines. John Flannigan calls in to talk markets, Turkish Lira, Illinois population decline, college tuition and much more. Jeff Joseph, Editorial Director & Publisher at Luckbox Magazine, finishes the show also talking about Turkey’s lira and discusses markets , tax rates and revenues. Don’t forget, Stocks & Jocks listeners receive a FREE digital subscription

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Frank Fahey is a multidisciplinary professional with over 30 years experience in Options Trading and Sales Management with an exceptional track record of superior results in high risk-reward corporate and entrepreneurial environments. He has been a member of both the Chicago Board Options Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. Frank is one of the few non-exchange employees certified to teach classes on advanced options strategy and options volatility on behalf of the Options Industry Council. Frank is consulting with an international agricultural cooperative to develop and implement strategies to use options to enhance hedging of their crops. He has worked a CBOE DPM, to develop Vega and gamma focused algorithms and methodologies for computer-based tools, and is the ad-hoc risk manager and consulting strategist for a private family hedge fund. Frank has developed presentations, seminars, webinars, and course content for the Chicago Board Options Exchange, the Options Industry Council, DiscoverOptions, OptionVue, PEAK6 University and CzechWealth (Prague).


John Flannigan is a graduate from Notre Dame University and a retired English Professor from Prairie State College out of Chicago Heights.


Jeff Joseph is the Editorial Director & Publisher at Luckbox Magazine – the control freak’s essential guide to life, money & probability. Luckbox is a monthly publication available on newsstands for $7.99 per issue. Stocks & Jocks listeners receive a FREE digital subscription at up today!