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You Invent The Hula-Hoop, You Get to Sell It

Greg and Chief kick things off with a discussion about the stock market. John calls in to talk about massive recession and corruption in the market system. Michael jumps on the air to discuss politics and contingency funds. Finally, Nancy and Chief talk about mortgage rates and soft jobs.

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Guests & Co-Hosts


Greg Papas is an independent trader and co-creator of the website. Greg made his bones in the Grain Room as a clerk for Coach Doug Redmann and Adam Rich where he learned about grain swaps, automation and market making. Outside of trading Greg’s interests lie in restaurants, western philosophy and game theory. He is a resident of the Chicagoland area.


John Flannigan is a retired English professor from Prairie State College out of Chicago Heights, IL.  He is an expert on local politics, housing and property rates.  He is a long time friend of Tom “The Chief” Haugh and graduate  of Notre Dame University.


Mike Murphy is a graduate of Notre Dame, a former U.S. Army Intelligence officer, and Stocks & Jocks’ commenter on sports and economics.