Blog Archives
Turkey Day Week
November 23, 2009
Good Morning. I hope you had a chance to hear Charlie Gasparino of CNBC on the “Stocks and Jocks” show last week. If you did not, you can listen to the archived show at Charlie has a new book called Sellout and is one of our favorite feisty financial editors. Read about his interview with us here.
Well, this week has turned out to be a bit more hectic than planned. Friday (Options Expiration) was busier than usual and with a shortened holiday week, I thought I’d open up the forum to you, the readers (and hopefully, listeners) to submit your ideas for show topics, guests, or just general market and sports questions you would like me to blog about or for Dr. J and I to cover on our show. Here are two more questions: 1) Is the turkey pardoning by the President still relevant in 2009 and 2) will you be spending more, less or the same this year on holiday gifts?
Send in your feedback, ideas and comments to me at I will try and get in a blog post a little later this week, assuming there is a calming lull before the holiday storm. It will be interesting to see how retail sales fare for the upcoming “biggest shopping day of the year”.
Being of Dubious Talent
September 21, 2009
Good morning. It has been a couple of weeks since I have written, primarily due to the effort required to start the Internet show – “Stocks and Jocks”. For those who may have missed Sarah’s announcements the show airs live on every day from 11am-12pm CST and is available afterwards by archive – for on demand listening or download. Dr. J is with me, and we have a great and growing group of guests as the show gains momentum. I would encourage you to listen and participate, there is a lot going on affecting the market that we should all be understanding and talking about.
“Stocks And Jocks” is Back!
September 10, 2009
Combine the market insight of Louis Rukeyser with the humor of Seinfeld, blatantly honest stock market advice with a splash of sports and you get “Stocks and Jocks”!
This is NOT typical business news – this is a GREAT TALK SHOW that focuses on business, providing real financial information, market analysis, and breaking news right from the trenches of the trading day.
Where Is Our Adult Supervision?
June 15, 2009
Good morning. Last week the market continued to advance, but at a very reduced rate. The SPY finished the week at 95.08, up from 94.55 or .05%, and is now up 5.3% from the 2008 close of 90.29. Rising commodity prices, especially oil, and a series of economic numbers that are showing generally a decreasing rate of deterioration seem to be fueling the rally.