Blog Archives
Options Are Ideal for Lowering ETF Risk
September 15, 2011
Please enjoy this Q&A article where my brother, Dan Haugh, is interviewed by Morningstar.
Economics 101
September 13, 2010
Good afternoon. It was a second in a row up week for the market last week, with the SPY advancing .59 to close at 111.48 (.5%). It was significant because the market was able to hold and consolidate the large gains of the week before, leaving the SPY up a strong 4.3% for the two-week period. The VIX was actually up slightly (3%) last week but still showed a large drop of 10% for the two-week period, closing at 21.98.
Protected Index ProgramĀ® Education
March 8, 2010
A funny thing happened on the way to the office this weekend, as I intended to write up a nice long post. I had car trouble that detained me. No lie. Anyway, let me take this opportunity to inform you about the terrific Protected Index ProgramĀ® (PIP) educational events we have coming up.
“Stocks And Jocks” is Back!
September 10, 2009
Combine the market insight of Louis Rukeyser with the humor of Seinfeld, blatantly honest stock market advice with a splash of sports and you get “Stocks and Jocks”!
This is NOT typical business news – this is a GREAT TALK SHOW that focuses on business, providing real financial information, market analysis, and breaking news right from the trenches of the trading day.
Social and Economic Health
August 31, 2009
Good morning. Sort of an inside week for the market last week, what we in the business would call a premium sellers dream. The SPY was up a whole .41 on the week, moving from 102.97 to 103.38 (.4%). The VIX was down a little, from 25.01 to 24.76, not much of a drop considering how little movement there was. For those looking to buy long term put protection, as we do in the PIP Program, the cost for at the money put protection for December of 2011 is in the 15.5-17% of the underlying range for 28 months.