Topics: College Tuiton
The Education of Vocation
September 2, 2022
Kevin O’Neill leads off with talk on how schools should be teaching vocational skills, previous experiences in the world of academics, and Hal Snarr’s upcoming book. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker joins in the conversation, continuing the topic of education and analyzing the latest report from the Labor Department.
From Oil to Orgies
April 1, 2022
Kevin O’Neill leads off for the first half hour to talk on the cost of college, the upcoming MLB season and, of course, orgies. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker calls in for hour two to discuss the federal oil reserve release, the still raging debate on Covid vaccines, current stock trends and more.
It’s Not Just The Numbers, There Is Always The Game.
December 3, 2019
Audrey Johnson of HomeSource Realty gets us started talking real estate market changes and man’s poor fortune in this life. Joel Elconin of Benzinga gives a quick sport review with Chief, talks about changeable interest rates and big banks. Kenny Polcari, Managing Principal at ButcherJoseph Asset Management, LLC and a contributor to CNBC calls in to talk over the global economy, trade war, new heights of European market. Special guest Jeff Joseph, Editorial Director & Publisher at Luckbox Magazine, is in-studio for hour two breaks down the Student Loan Debt Crisis in US, capital markets, property taxes and more.
Real Learning Comes About When The Competitive Spirit Is On Fire.
November 8, 2019
Kevin O’Neill calls in for hour one talking about latest election polls, the role of competition and monopoly, importance of law enforcement and more. Special guest of the day Todd Gunderson COO of Credit Union One introducing The Credit Union One’s mission, core values and vision. Eric Charles May, calls in to talk the College Landscape old and new, loans and tuition, gain in foreign students for the state and more.
Wrapping the Year
December 31, 2018
Options guru and veteran floor trader, Frank Fahey, kicks off the show talking steroids in college sports, volatile markets and much more. Author and Professor at Columbia College, Eric Charles May, calls in to discuss a lack of independence in the media. Finally, David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures talks Chinese tariffs and what lies ahead in 2019.