Topics: Currency
Taking It (even less than) Easy
September 19, 2022
Greg Pappas joins us live in the studio with talk on Exports from Turkey, and the AG Market. John Flannigan calls in to talk about Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, Immigration, Chicago crime, and more. Finally, Housing expert, Audrey Johnson calls in to talk on the housing market, millennials, and flipping houses.
The Sodmaster
September 16, 2022
Kevin O’Neill starts us of with Fed talk, Amazon’s inquisition of Thursday night football, MLB and more. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker jumps in for our second hour to talk on Pfizer, inflation, criticism of the 17th Amendment and much more.
No Hot Dog For You!
August 15, 2022
Greg Pappas starts us off with talk on Walmart and Home Depot earnings and other current stock trends. John Flannigan sits down with The Chief to discuss the crime, building taxes and drug problems currently plaguing Chicago’s residents. Finally, Housing expert, Audrey Johnson calls in to talk on the housing market, “Warshawskys & Co.” and the price of dog surgery.
Tightrope Surgery
August 12, 2022
Kevin O’Neill starts off our show to discuss consumer credit, new CDC regulations and the definition of “tightrope surgery”. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker talks on inflation, hotel housing, the raid on Mar-A-Lago and what it means for Trump.
The Day of Defenestration
August 8, 2022
This morning, Greg Pappas starts the day with talk on defining “Defenestration”, Chicago crime and AG market summary. Later, John Flannigan calls in to discuss throwing people out of windows, income tax and electric cars. Finally, resident housing expert, Audrey Johnson speaks on the current market and how Chicago crime is deterring it.