Topics: Election
Double Speak
November 2, 2022
Kevin O’Neill joins us for our first hour to talk on the possible “Wuhan Lab” outbreak, a potential “Red” wave this election, World Series 2022 predictions, and Fed Analysis. Russell Rhoads joins our second hour to talk about more analysis on the Federal Reserve, gas prices, market trends and much more.
Sugar, Honey, Ice Tea
August 31, 2022
Kevin O’Neill leads off talking BBB&Y stock, College Football, MLB, Houdini and more. Lastly, we are joined by former 1st Congressional District Candidate and Public Servant, Karin Norington-Reaves to talk on her election campaign, her Grandmother’s experience with elections, troubles facing the education system in Chicago and more.
No Hot Dog For You!
August 15, 2022
Greg Pappas starts us off with talk on Walmart and Home Depot earnings and other current stock trends. John Flannigan sits down with The Chief to discuss the crime, building taxes and drug problems currently plaguing Chicago’s residents. Finally, Housing expert, Audrey Johnson calls in to talk on the housing market, “Warshawskys & Co.” and the price of dog surgery.
Sucks To Suck
June 29, 2022
Kevin O’Neill leads off to talk on yesterday’s Illinois primaries and past primaries, as well as fraud and long distance phone calls. Russell Rhoads calls in for hour two to talk on inflation, new cryptocurrency and Nike stock.
Zoomed Out
October 29, 2020
Lou Michels kicks off the show reflecting his view of reality, Covid-19 updates, Police Violence caused by resistance, sterilizing ideology. Dan Johnedis, President & CIO of Cratus Capital LLC, talks market, state of economy as of today, best investments, trading dynamics and many more. Options guru and veteran floor trader, Frank Fahey, closes the show discussing political and economical clash .