Topics: Golf

For the Skimmers

Kevin O’Neill leads off reflecting on the passing of NBA great Nate Thurmond, before dissecting inner-business communication tactics. Chris Manns of PTI Securities & Futures talks property taxes, corn prices and much more. Then, John Neal and David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures talk markets.

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Now Who’s Being Naive?

‘Ag Mondays’ continues with Chris Manns in-studio and special guest Christine Prentice, soft commodities and bio-fuels reporter at Reuters. Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics talks ‘Brexit’. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures’ Peoria, AZ office shares a ‘Stock of the Day’. Finally, David Andalman of DACS Research talks NBA Finals before telling us how to trade these markets.

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Around the Corn

Chris Manns of PTI Securities & Futures and Jim Burns, lean hog trader on the CME, are both in-studio talking commodity trading. Paul Kreter, Director of Ethanol Marketing at Marquis Energy, talks ethanol markets. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures’ Peoria, AZ office talks Arizona sports landscape before touching on GDX. Finally, David Andalman of DACS Research tells us how to trade this week. 

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Fed Speak

Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics is in-studio talking markets, the Federal Reserve and much more. Kevin O’Neill chimes in to discuss healthcare rates, the Missouri University situation and the College Football Playoff rankings. 

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Good Morning Guantanamo

James Connell, Lead Defense Counsel at Guantanamo Bay, joins the Chief, Kathy Dervin, and Kevin Riordan to talk about Guantanamo. James discusses the difficulties in trying to get fair trials for the Guantanamo prisoners and substantial Guantanamo-Chicago connections including Homan Square and CPD Detective Richard Zuley who was brought to Guantanamo to torture inmates. The Chief and Kathy also ask James about what his life is like, from weather to walmart, when he’s down there. In the last half hour the Chief discusses Amazon and the “negative-yield universe” that is seizing European markets. David Andalman joins the show in the last few minutes to discuss whether cash currency is on the out.


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