Topics: Janet Yellen

Inflation Nation

Kevin O’Neill leads off talking Trump vs. Bannon, media bias and the breaking New England Patriots’ feud. Kathy Dervin is in-studio. Chief and Kathy welcome Pedro da Costa of Business Insider to discuss inflation and the Federal Reserve one year into the Trump Presidency. Lastly, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures’ Peoria, AZ location wonders what happened to the Middle Class in this country? 

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Taxing Cold

Russell Rhoads of the CBOE is in-studio. Chief and Russell are joined by Denver-based labor attorney, Lou Michels, for hour one to discuss North Korea, U.S. foreign policy and the NFL Draft. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker joins the guys for hour two to talk tax policy, interest rates and much more. 

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Coin Mining

Denver-based labor attorney, Lou Michels, calls in for hour one to discuss what’s behind all of the sexual misconduct scandals dominating headlines. Russell Rhoads of the CBOE is in-studio for hour two talking all things Bitcoin before checking in on the North Korean conflict. 

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Tax to the Future

Jon Najarian of CNBC’s ‘Fast Money’ calls in to talk tax policy, crypto-currencies and more. Joel Elconin of Benzinga talks trading strategies. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker says if the legend outweighs the facts, print the legend. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location discusses the spike in oil. 

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The Dying Centrist

Joel Elconin of Benzinga mourns another Michigan football loss before sharing his latest venture into Bitcoin. Kenny Polcari, Director of NYSE Floor Operations at O’Neil Securities and a contributor to CNBC, wonders if inflation is really the cause of rising same store sales numbers. Chicago attorney, Alyse Andalman Sagalchik, calls in to discuss the current climate in mergers and acquisitions. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures’ Peoria, AZ location talks college football rivalries (vote for your favorite college football rivalry here!) and the dying centrist. 

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