Topics: Las Vegas

Taxing Bills

Eric Charles May, Author and Professor at Columbia College Chicago, is in-studio covering the GOP’s failed healthcare plan, the thinking behind the Affordable Care Act and much more. Joel Elconin of Benzinga talks bear markets before taking a look at $TSLA. Kenny Polcari, Director of NYSE Floor Operations at O’Neil Securities and a contributor to CNBC, talks markets while declaring tax reform will be even more difficult than reforming Obamacare. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location dissects the epidemic of professional sports teams relocating across the country before sharing his latest trading strategies. 

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Pay to Play

Lou Michels is in-studio with the Chief and Matty Weber talking Cubs vs. Indians, sexual harassment, election fraud, ‘pay-to-play’ politics, college tuition and much more. 

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Investigating the Clinton Foundation

The Chief and Kevin O’Neill start off the show discussing markets and the difficulties of doing business across boarders. From trading abroad to providing aid across seas, there are a lot of little details that complicate matters. Later in the show, Kathy Dervin joins in with special guest, Charles Ortel. Charles discusses his investigation into the Clinton Foundation which he calls the “largest un-prosecuted charity fraud ever attempted.” He lists a number of allegations against the foundation and remarks on the heightened immorality that results from the Clintons’ political positions. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures joins in for the last half hour to analyze the markets. 

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Deutsche’s Got Trouble

Kevin O’Neil joins the Chief for the first hour of the show discussing the high interest rates that Chicago Public Schools is promising on its $750 million borrowed in bonds. Then the Chief gives Maddie a lesson in gambling before the crew discusses where to place bets on the Superbowl and how they would spend a big powerball payday. Fari Hamzei joins in for a discussion of football hall of famers and baseball allstars. The Chief and Fari take the show out with a market analysis and discussion of the troubles of Deutsche Bank.

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Civil Unrest

Kevin O’Neill joins the show to break down the first round of the NFL Draft along with the NFL’s tax exempt status. Joel Elconin of Benzinga calls in for a quick Kentucky Derby preview along with sharing his thoughts on the upcoming Pacquiao vs. Mayweather fight. Kevin Riordan of Capital Trading Group and Kathy Dervin are in-studio talking bonds. Then, Pedro da Costa of Wall Street Journal joins the show to report on the situation in Baltimore before sharing the latest on the Federal Reserve’s influence on the markets and economy. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures shares a “Stock of the Day”.

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