Topics: Markets

Market Is Calling For Work

Chicago attorney, Brendan Cournane and market guru, Frank Fahey, lead off the show speculating about survival standpoint, overloaded healthcare system, testings and black community concern. Joel Elconin of Benzinga,  joins to talk about bare market rally, lost revenue and latest on the sport news. Kenny Polcari, Managing Principal at ButcherJoseph Asset Management, LLC and a contributor to CNBC, continues the conversation about ongoing health crisis, economic devastation, conducting businesses online, forward projections and more. Kevin O’Neill closes the show reviewing latest sport updates, lows of the market and much more.

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Black Swan

Chief and Executive Producer, Matt Weber, lead off the show, raising vitally important concerns on the current situation. Chicago attorney, Brendan Cournane, joins the discussion of the ongoing crisis. Joel Elconin of Benzinga, calls in and gives his opinion on the market affected by the virus. Jeff Joseph, Editorial Director & Publisher at Luckbox Magazine, calls in for hour two addressing the global issue and provides the latest updates on the coronavirus. Don’t forget, Stocks & Jocks listeners receive a FREE digital subscription at up today!

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Live It Up

Kevin O’Neill calls in for hour one to discuss virus madness, the decline in NBA and more. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker joins the show for hour two to discuss lost money flow and affected market due the Coronavirus outbreak.

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Salon At Closing Time

Lou Michels is stunned by the lack of coordination and cooperation in US, joins us for hour one addressing the points about government’s inability to act properly to protect our people, opportunity for bureaucrats to expand their influence, crashed medical care and more. Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics kicks off hour two discussing aroused intensity in the market due to the spreading disease.David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures continues the debate discussion before talking $GLD performance versus $USD.

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Fear Itself

Kevin O’Neill calls in for hour one to discuss latest on coronavirus, people and industries under impact of it, oil stocks and more.Russell Rhoads is in-studio for hour two answering questions away about national madness due to virus and affected industries, mass school closures and more.

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