Topics: NFL
The Sodmaster
September 16, 2022
Kevin O’Neill starts us of with Fed talk, Amazon’s inquisition of Thursday night football, MLB and more. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker jumps in for our second hour to talk on Pfizer, inflation, criticism of the 17th Amendment and much more.
My Old Buddy, The Mayor
August 5, 2022
Kevin O’Neill starts off our show to discuss Illinois infrastructure, Chicago Cubs and federal spending. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker talks on trusts, inflation, and the latest labor numbers.
Up Til’ Dawn
June 23, 2022
Lou Michels leads off for hour one talking renewable energy, labor in the airline industry, and the Deshaun Watson allegations. Dan Johnedis, President & CIO of Cratus Capital LLC, talks oil production, Federal Reserve policy and more. Lastly, we are joined by 1st Congressional District Candidate, Karin Norington-Reaves to talk on her election campaign, staffing her team and connecting with voters.
Don’t Forget Main Street
June 9, 2022
Lou Michels leads off for hour one to talk on allegations on Cleveland Browns QB Deshaun Watson, the Denver Broncos sale agreement and more. Dan Johnedis President & CIO of Cratus Capital LLC, to talk on corporate labor costs and the morals that follow them. John Flannigan closes the show talking on advertising marketing, choosing elected officials, and inflation.
Don’t Dodge The Duty
May 12, 2022
Lou Michels leads off for hour one to discuss the Kentucky Derby, re-socializing a post-pandemic society and steroid use in the NFL. Dan Johnedis, President & CIO of Cratus Capital LLC, talks oil prices, market predictions and inflation. John Flannigan joins in for our last half hour to talk on loan dealing and current market trends.