Topics: Potatoes
Spin the Division
October 8, 2018
Options guru and veteran floor trader, Frank Fahey, calls in for hour one to discuss the Kavanaugh vote, crime demographics and market timing strategies. Chief and Matty Weber chime in on the NFC North, the start of the Blackhawks’ season and the MLB Playoffs. Then David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures calls in to discuss market timing strategies, Natural Gas and much more.
I Say Potato, You Say Potahto
August 18, 2014
David Andalman of DACS Research provides technical analysis, discusses how frustrating it is to trade markets with low volatility and touches on the situation in Ferguson, Missouri. Ag-Mondays continue with Chris Manns of PTI Securities & Futures in-studio and special guest Ryan Krabill, Senior Director of Legislative and Governmental Affairs at the National Potato Council.