Topics: Regulation

We can take care of that…

Today’s show opens and ends with Author and Professor at Columbia College Chicago, Eric Charles May, IN-studio, talking markets, sports, unions, politics and more. Kevin O’Neill calls in to join the guys for hour-one to talk politics, trade, markets, and sports; adding a special shout out to his favorite teacher at Notre Dame. Chief, Eric and Katie end the second half of the show discussing the importance of discussing history, so not to relive it, adding the lasting impression their parents’ experiences during the Great Depression, versus today’s society where everyone ‘deserves’ the American Dream.

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Debt of Attitude

Kevin O’Neill calls in for hour one to talk business best practices and much more. Russell Rhoads is in-studio for hour two talking $NFLX, debt ratios and environmental regulation. 

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Saying What You Mean

Chief and Matty Weber spend the majority of hour one looking back on the first half of the MLB season as we head into the All-Star break. Kevin O’Neill makes an impromptu appearance to debate Chief on President Trump’s comments on Russia and the EU. David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures closes the show talking markets. 

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A Lump of Clean Coal

Kevin O’Neill joins the show for hour one talking trade war, vocational education and much more. Wayne Madsen of Wayne Madsen Report discusses political corruption, “clean” coal and the future of the Democratic Party. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location closes the show discussing the jobs number. 

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Weary on Theory

Kevin O’Neill calls in for hour one to talk unintended consequences by way of government policy and much more. Russell Rhoads of CBOE is in-studio for hour two talking corrupt governments, public pensions and volatile markets. 

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