Topics: Unions
We can take care of that…
August 1, 2018
Today’s show opens and ends with Author and Professor at Columbia College Chicago, Eric Charles May, IN-studio, talking markets, sports, unions, politics and more. Kevin O’Neill calls in to join the guys for hour-one to talk politics, trade, markets, and sports; adding a special shout out to his favorite teacher at Notre Dame. Chief, Eric and Katie end the second half of the show discussing the importance of discussing history, so not to relive it, adding the lasting impression their parents’ experiences during the Great Depression, versus today’s society where everyone ‘deserves’ the American Dream.
Walking Off
July 27, 2018
Kevin O’Neill calls in for hour one to discuss $FB’s crash before offering ideas to save baseball. Kathy Dervin is in-studio continuing the baseball conversation. Chief and Matty Weber close the show debating the importance of healthcare benefits and who should be paying for them.
Pull Tab to Inflate
July 25, 2018
Matty Weber and Chief kick off the show talking job markets and the old adage of how it’s easier to find a job when you have a job. Kevin O’Neill calls in and kicks off the first half of the hour to talk markets and unions. Russell Rhoads joins us in-studio for the second half of the show talking economics, bonds, inflation, the cost of Netflix and the $0 cost of YouTube. Chief and Russell round out the show talking market strategy in Japan and China, and the latest craze in A.I.
The Law of Diminishing Returns
July 20, 2018
Kevin O’Neill joins us this morning to discuss politics, sports and much more. Matt Weber joins Chief in-studio for hour two with commentary on the Chicago Cubs back from their quick break to beat the Cardinals at home last night and the ‘law of diminishing returns’. Katie Holland chimes in with the latest in PGA fashion and current standings for round 2 of the British Open. Matt, Katie and Chief end the show to discuss the latest social-media spurred take down of first-time All-star Josh Haber, and their appreciation for a twitter-free upbringing.
The Court of Public Opinion
July 10, 2018
Chief and Matty Weber open the show learning about the President’s Supreme Court nominee. Joel Elconin of Benzinga attempts to correlate trade wars to bull markets. Author and Professor at Columbia College Chicago, Eric Charles May, shares his thoughts on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location closes the show talking markets.