Topics: Virus

Fear Itself

Kevin O’Neill calls in for hour one to discuss latest on coronavirus, people and industries under impact of it, oil stocks and more.Russell Rhoads is in-studio for hour two answering questions away about national madness due to virus and affected industries, mass school closures and more.

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Nuts And Bolts Of The Virus

Chicago attorney, Brendan Cournane, is in-studio leads off discussing damaged market and it’s projected economic impact on working class, credit crisis and more. Joel Elconin of Benzinga calls in to discuss exposure of oil to the market due to the virus and it’s implications overall. Kenny Polcari, Managing Principal at ButcherJoseph Asset Management, LLC and a contributor to CNBC, joins to contribute his thoughts to the discussion of massive damages in the economy implying to orchestrated events of today’s global chaos. John Flanagan closes the show to review the latest on destabilized market climate due to coronavirus.

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Wake-up Call

Options guru and veteran floor trader, Frank Fahey, leads off discussing the latest on the Coronavirus and market image. John Flannigan calls in to talk about unattainable nostalgia of happiness in 20’s, relations between historical events and responses to it, humans’ battle against diseases and much more. David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures closes the show reflecting on the market’s reaction to the virus, commodities, the $EU and $BA .

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In The Middle Of The Coronavirus crisis

Kevin O’Neill calls in for hour one talking about latest updates on coronavirus, disruption in market, hawks game and more. Eric Charles May, calls in and continues the discussion of coronavirus’s rolling effect and it’s impact on Chicago economy, predicts it’s possible outcomes in the nearest future.

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When They Bail They Bail

Frank Fahey, options guru and veteran floor trader, leads off talking today’s market updates and conflicting situation of coronavirus. Joel Elconin of Benzinga  calls in to briefly review the harsh reality of the disease and it’s consequences. Kenny Polcari, Managing Principal at ButcherJoseph Asset Management, LLC and a contributor to CNBC, joins the discussion and gives his opinion on coronavirus’s pandemic outbreak, hysterical decline of market and business for the nation. Special guest Mike Hart, veteran trader with Tastytrade and contributor to Luckbox Magazine, is in-studio for hour two talking surpassed issue of the virus and it’s impact on social, economic and political aspects, advantage of volatility index, maximization of returning capital and much more.

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