Guests: Kevin Riordan

The Big “They”

The Chief starts the show considering the complaints the FED is getting with the dropping rates. Kevin Riordan and Kathy Dervin join in to discuss the markets and the topic of the week– Oil, oil, oil. Palmer Bailey, AKA legalman, joins in at the top of the hour to discuss the Supreme court and the question of the day, “Who is the big They?”

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A Stabilizing Friday

John Neal kicks off the show to talk markets and drop his ‘stock of the day.’ Kathy Dervin and Kevin Riordan join us in studio to talk about the stabilization of China’s markets and ‘circuit breakers’ in our stock markets. Finally, Lars Brownworth makes his Stocks and Jocks debut and gives some insight to the foreign turmoil with his history experience.

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Bonds, Junk Bonds

The Chief and Maddie kick off the show discussing Chicago Universities and their resistance against the recent push from students and faculty to allow the unionization of non-tenure-track professors. The Chief asks, what are students actually paying for? Maddie’s not content with the answer. Kevin Riordan, Kevin O’neill, and Kathy Dervin join in for a discussion of bonds and dividends. Stocks and Jocks friend Wolf Richter calls in at the top of the second hour to discuss his most recent article on on junk bonds.

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Terrorism Across Borders

The weekly Friday circus with Kathy Dervin and Kevin Riordan keeps it uncharacteristically professional through the first hour discussing the markets, technology advances, and what defines Kevin’s trading style. (Well almost professional. There was some talk of porn, too.) The show’s friend Wayne Madsen, investigative reporter and conspiracy theorist, joins for the second hour to discuss the effects of past foreign policy on the recent actions of ISIS and the controversy over whether the US should be letting Syrian refugees across the border.

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How to Gamble on Professional Sports

At the top of the show the Chief discusses the latest productivity numbers and what Jim Paulsen is calling an “unexpected recession,” that may be looming on our doorstep. Kathy and Kevin chime in later in the hour for a lively debate over the benefits and problems of the ride sharing company Uber. In the second hour Brian Tuohy returns to Stocks and Jocks to discuss his new book, A Season in the Absyss: Sports Gambling vs the NFL’s Integrity. Brian gives us the low down on how sports gambling occurs and what leagues like the NFL are doing to deter or promote it. As the show wraps up we put Stocks and Jocks rookie, Jeremy, to the test and discuss the continued problems of Volkswagen and the production of diesel vehicles.

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