Guests: Kevin Riordan

GOP Dropouts

Gregg Rzepczynski joins the Chief, Kathy Dervin, and Kevin Riordan for the first hour of the Friday morning circus covering the importance of social media, Halloween pop-up stores, and the renewed Viagra patent. The Chief and Kathy carry on into the top of the second hour talking about why more GOP candidates haven’t dropped out yet and the disappearance of small banks. In the last half hour the Chief and John Neal talk about what stocks are lookin’ good and how the internet has changed trading.

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Good Morning Guantanamo

James Connell, Lead Defense Counsel at Guantanamo Bay, joins the Chief, Kathy Dervin, and Kevin Riordan to talk about Guantanamo. James discusses the difficulties in trying to get fair trials for the Guantanamo prisoners and substantial Guantanamo-Chicago connections including Homan Square and CPD Detective Richard Zuley who was brought to Guantanamo to torture inmates. The Chief and Kathy also ask James about what his life is like, from weather to walmart, when he’s down there. In the last half hour the Chief discusses Amazon and the “negative-yield universe” that is seizing European markets. David Andalman joins the show in the last few minutes to discuss whether cash currency is on the out.


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Mary Jane Markets

The Chief and Maddie Field start the hour off discussing Michigan vs. Michigan State and the changing admission tactics colleges are using. Kathy Dervin and Kevin Riordan join in for the regular Friday morning round table discussing the MLB playoffs and the Fed’s board of governors. In the second hour Matt Lampert of Socionomics calls in to discuss his doctoral thesis regarding the effects of marijuana legalization on the markets and political scene. John Neal and the Chief take the show out talking about options and more.

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God Awful Fed

Kevin Riordan of Capital Trading Group and Kathy Dervin are in-studio discussing the Fed’s continual effect on the markets. Eli Bosnick, comedian and host of the God Awful Podcast, joins us to discuss the religious right, awful religious movies and more. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures shares a “Stock of the Day”. 

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Janet Yellen “Got it Right”

Kathy Dervin and Kevin Riordan join the Chief in the first hour to discuss Glencore’s falling shares, Nike’s increased dominance in the sports apparel market, and Janet Yellen’s speech regarding the raising of interest rates. In the later hour “legalman,” Palmer Bailey, calls in to discuss his article on the 14th Amendment and more. John Neal jumps on in the last half hour to discuss the market with Chief.

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