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Sweet, Sweet Economics
January 15, 2016
Many voices joined us for this week’s Free-for-all-Friday. The Chief starts off the show discussing the changes in the oil industry that have ousted OPEC’s oligarchy on the industry. Next to step up to the plate was Jack Roney of The American Sugar Alliance and Chris Manns to discuss the sugar market. Kathy Dervin and Stocks and Jocks friend Pedro Da Costa join us at the top of the second hour to discuss Pedro’s new job as the Editorial Fellow at the Institute of International Economics. Mark Esposito of Hamzei Analytics joins the Chief for the last 30 minutes to discuss the market and what he is doing to take Hamzei Analytic’s to new heights.
Guests & Co-Hosts
Chris Manns
Christopher Manns manages PTI Securities & Futures’ global commodities area and is a research analyst. He devotes much of his time to monitoring and analyzing the latest international commodities reports and financial research. This allows him to keep the firm’s management well informed so that they can, in turn, apprise their clients on pertinent information. Christopher has more than 18 years of securities and financial services experience. Prior to joining PTI Securities, he was a floor broker for AE Staley at the Chicago Board of Trade, and worked for the grain division of Rodman & Renshaw. He has authored many commodities articles and training materials, and speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese. Christopher earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Christopher lives with his wife in Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood. Read more.
Kathy Dervin
Kathy Dervin has been with Stocks & Jocks since 2011 as our Friday morning contributor, producer and banking guru. She has worked in the financial markets industry since 1993, including PC Quote/HyperFeed 1993 to 2003 and Thomson Reuters 2003 to 2013. She is currently Vice President at an investment bank. Read more.
Jack Roney
Jack Roney is the Director of Economics and Policy Analysis at The American Sugar Alliance. The American Sugar Alliance is a national coalition of sugarcane and sugar beet producers, including sugar farmers, sugar processors, sugar refiners, sugar suppliers, sugar workers and others dedicated to preserving a strong U.S. sugar industry. The American Sugar Alliance works to ensure that sugar farmers and workers in the U.S. sugar industry survive in a world of heavily subsidized sugar.
Pedro Da Costa
Pedro Nicolaci da Costa joined the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) as editorial fellow in October 2015. He has been writing about economics and financial markets since 2001, first at Reuters and most recently at the Wall Street Journal. In 2010, he was a coauthor of the article “Club Fed: Ties That Bind at the Federal Reserve,” which helped spur the Fed to adopt a more open communications policy. His reporting in 2010 on the failure of some academic economists to disclose financial ties contributed to a new code of conduct adopted by the American Economic Association (PIIE adheres to a similar code of disclosure and data reproducibility adopted in 2014). His writing and research focuses on central banking, labor markets, inequality, and other macroeconomic issues.
Mark Esposito
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