Topics: Insurance

Anti-Trust Worthy

Kevin O’Neill calls in for hour one to discuss the importance of status, business ethics and the expansion of educational options. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker joins us for hour two to cover everything from China to the U.S.’s lack of anti-trust enforcement. 

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Gumption for Corruption

Kevin O’Neill leads off the show talking healthcare, marijuana and the Mueller investigation. Kathy Dervin is in-studio. Chief and Kathy welcome Matt Stoller of the Open Markets Institute to talk Amazon, AT&T and government corruption. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location discusses trading strategies. 

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Stabbing A Corpse

Denver-based labor attorney, Lou Michels, joins us for hour one to talk flight mechanics, sexual misconduct and much more. Joel Elconin of Benzinga joins the guys for a brief Kentucky Derby preview halfway through hour one. Pedro da Costa of Business Insider tips off hour two discussing diversity’s importance within the Federal Reserve. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures talks employment numbers, opioids and much more. 

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Drafting Up Controversy

Denver-based labor attorney, Lou Michels, calls in for hour one to discuss Military service, single-payer healthcare and voter fraud. Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics gets in the weeds with Chief on the evolution of airplanes. David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures talks earnings and trading strategies before wondering if $AMZN is the next $TSLA. 

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Government Leaders or Cheap Reality TV Show Stars?

Jon Najarian of CNBC’s ‘Fast Money’ calls in from Moscow and gives us a run down of its attractions and some fun facts. Veteran floor trader, Frank Fahey,  joined the party talking about the Amazon sales tax and America’s distorted health insurance policies. Next up, Joel Elconin of Benzinga talks markets with the Chief. Our friend, Kenny Polcari, Director of NYSE Floor Operations at O’Neil Securities and a contributor to CNBC, enlightens us with an economics lesson. He tells us his predictions of market headwinds and a possible recession. Wayne Madsen of Wayne Madsen Report discusses Medicaid and asks why we have so many government scandals. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location calls in to talk about stock prices and volatility. The guys closed out the show talking baseball and this unusual spring weather.

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