Topics: Israel

Live and Earn

Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics is in-studio talking Netflix, Goldman Sachs, Oil and more. Kevin O’Neill discusses secondary market tickets for this Fall’s Notre Dame vs. Boston College football game at Fenway Park in Boston. 

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Iran The Show

Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics is in-studio discussing a potential Chinese bubble, Iran and the markets. Kevin O’Neill joins the show for his weekly “sportsbiz” segment before touching on a day in the life of a family in middle-America. 

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Lou Michels is in-studio breaking down the Robert Durst arrest, the CPI and more. Rob Criscione of Healthcare Solutions Team joins he and the Chief to discuss the challenges in the Affordable Care Act along with picking the best insurance plans for your situation. 

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Private Eyes

John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures discusses pre-job report markets before sharing a “Stock of the Day”. Kevin Riordan of Capital Trading Group and Kathy Dervin are in-studio discussing the Middle East. Finally, investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen, of talks conspiracy theories covering the CIA, Hillary Clinton’s secret email account and more. 

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Banking On an Industry

Lou Michels is in-studio breaking down Netanyahu’s warnings to Congress, the Duke sexual assault allegations and more. Dick Bove, Equity Research Analyst at Rafferty Capital Markets, LLC and a frequent contributor to CNBC, joins us to discuss the current state of the banking industry. Sean McElwee of discusses his article on who politicians actually represent along with voting demographics. Finally, David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures previews the day’s trading session.

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