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Banking On an Industry
March 4, 2015
Lou Michels is in-studio breaking down Netanyahu’s warnings to Congress, the Duke sexual assault allegations and more. Dick Bove, Equity Research Analyst at Rafferty Capital Markets, LLC and a frequent contributor to CNBC, joins us to discuss the current state of the banking industry. Sean McElwee of discusses his article on who politicians actually represent along with voting demographics. Finally, David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures previews the day’s trading session.
NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, shows older than September 11, 2015, are unavailable for download. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Guests & Co-Hosts
Lou Michels
Lou Michels is an employment and sports law attorney with a national law firm, who is also an NFL player agent. He joins the Stocks & Jocks show every Thursday morning from Denver, Colorado. Lou represents companies and individuals in dealing with workplace problems ranging from labor union and discrimination cases to employment contracts and trade secret disputes. He played football at Air Force, and graduated from Duke Law School, where he developed an appreciation for college basketball. He is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel. Lou grew up in Winnipeg, Canada, and Minneapolis, where his father was a professional football coach for the Minnesota Vikings for almost 30 years. Read more.
Dick Bove
Mr. Bove, a distinguished industry veteran, covers the financial services and banking sector. Mr. Bove’s research has received recognition from a number of industry sources over the years. He has appeared over 500 times in the past few years on the popular business channels. He is also extensively quoted in the print media. From time to time, Mr. Bove has been contacted by the banking regulators up to and including the White House for his thoughts on the industry. His work has been noted internationally in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Mr. Bove entered the securities industry at the end of 1965. Since that time he has held positions as a salesperson, analyst and director of research with firms such as Wertheim, Shearson, and Rafferty Capital Markets. For most of this period his focus has been on companies in the bank and financial sector but he has also covered building and business services companies.
Sean McElwee
I grew up in a small town in Connecticut where I began drinking Dunkin Donuts and writing at an early age. My work has been published in The Day, The Nation and The Norwich Bulletin. I have been published on Washington Monthly, Salon, The Atlantic, The Week, Al Jazeera, The New Republic, The American Prospect, The Washington Post and The Rolling Stone. I’m currently a research associate at Demos.
You can contact me at seanadrianmc [at] gmail [dot] com
You can follow me on Twitter @SeanMcElwee
David Andalman
Technical Analyst, DACS Research, PTI Securities & Futures
David Andalman joins the Stocks & Jocks show every Monday and Wednesday morning. He was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and earned his bachelor's degree in Engineering from the University of Illinois, and then his MBA in Finance and Marketing from Indiana University. David traded for a year at the MidAmerica Commodity Exchange before starting the DACS Research Newsletters on commodity futures, which were the first all-technical research newsletters at the CME. Currently, he has been a senior wealth manager and portfolio strategist for over 23 years. He holds registrations in Series 3, 4 (Options Principal), 7, 55, 63 and is a registered Commodity Trading Advisor. Read more.
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