Topics: Olympics

Now Who’s Being Naive?

‘Ag Mondays’ continues with Chris Manns in-studio and special guest Christine Prentice, soft commodities and bio-fuels reporter at Reuters. Fari Hamzei of Hamzei Analytics talks ‘Brexit’. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures’ Peoria, AZ office shares a ‘Stock of the Day’. Finally, David Andalman of DACS Research talks NBA Finals before telling us how to trade these markets.

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Post-Traumatic Stress

Lou Michels is in-studio discussing the effect robotics will have on U.S. jobs, mass incarceration due to drug offenders, big pharma fraud and much more. Brent Slava of Benzinga talks quiet markets during a holiday week. Kenny Polcari, Director of NYSE Floor Operations at O’Neil Securities and a contributor to CNBC, discusses Get Head Strong, the charity organization he’s involved with who’s working to help veterans with PTSD. 

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Capital Without Borders

Chief and Matty Weber discuss the latest on the Egyptian Air tragedy before getting into the Fed’s effect on inflation. Kevin Riordan of Capital Trading Group is in-studio talking markets. Kathy Dervin then welcome’s special guest Brooke Harrington, Associate Professor at the Copenhagen Business School, to discuss her experiences in becoming a money manager and researching offshore trust accounts.

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The Federal Reserve Hits Overtime

Lou Michels is in studio with The Chief to talk about The Federal Reserve/ Government and just how much power they have in today’s economy. Do the feds have a constantly increasing amount of power in 2016? Next, we touch on the new changes to the overtime law that will take place in December of 2016. Chief and Lou have a great discussion regarding a new patent law that is going into effect this week.

We finish off the show by talking about Russia’s new doping allegations, and other use of performance enhancing substances throughout other sports and other leagues.


We apologize for not having a recording of today’s show – we experienced some technical difficulties near the end of the show and our recording software crashed. Tune in tomorrow for a new edition of Stocks & Jocks and check out our extensive show archive to listen back on one of our many great episodes.

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George Orwell was Early … but Right.

Lou Michels is in-studio covering an array of topics including energy, Chicago Public Schools, Peyton Manning, $AAPL, government surveillance and much more. David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures talks markets. 

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