Topics: Supreme Court

Stay Focused, Sunshine

Kevin O’Neill joins the show for hour one discussing the culture of the elite class before dissecting Notre Dame football’s offensive philosophies. Wayne Madsen of Wayne Madsen Report weighs in on the Kavanaugh allegations. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location closes the show discussing the recreational marijuana industry, the tariff war’s effect on consumers and allegations of domestic abuse against Cubs’ shortstop, Addison Russell. 

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Playoff Racing to Judgement

Kevin O’Neill calls in for hour one to discuss the Kavanaugh allegations, our nation’s lack of anti-trust enforcement and Major League Baseball playoff races. Russell Rhoads calls in for hour two to talk intellectual property,  tariff wars and marijuana stocks. 

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Closeted Skeletons

Financial consultant, Stephanie Koenig, is in-studio discussing the latest on the Kavanaugh allegations, Trump tariffs and interest rates on stock (checkout Stephanie’s upcoming charity contest for a great cause!). Joel Elconin of Benzinga talks market timing strategies. Kenny Polcari, Director of NYSE Floor Operations at O’Neil Securities and a contributor to CNBC, wonders how the Trump tariffs might affect the markets. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ office talks college experience, $SLV and covered calls. 

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Lincoln Park Pirates

Options guru and veteran floor trader, Frank Fahey, calls in for hour one to talk pensions versus 401K plans, the demise of Chicago’s infamous Lincoln Towing Company and much more. The ‘Snarky Professor’, Hal Snarr of Westminster College, rejoins the show to discuss the flooding in the Carolinas before talking inflation. David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures closes the show talking market timing strategies. 

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Trade Point Average

Kevin O’Neill joins us for hour one to talk trade tariffs, the Kevin Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination and off the field antics surrounding major college programs. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker calls in for hour two to continue the discussion on trade, employment numbers and much more. 

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