Topics: Terrorism

We Got Your Hack

Kevin O’Neill kicks off the show talking cyber security, Notre Dame football renovations and a waning desire to attend football games in-person. Kathy Dervin and Joel Elconin of Benzinga join the Chief in-studio. They welcome Diletta Giorgolo Spinola of Tuscany’s Sotheby’s Realty to discuss the Italian housing market. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures’ Peoria, AZ office talks retail stocks, Bitcoin and more. 

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Entitled As Health

Psychologist, Dr. Mark Johnson, returns to the show to discuss the stress the average middle class family may be taking on due to healthcare premiums. Joel Elconin of Benzinga previews a little Big Ten football. Kenny Polcari, Director of NYSE Floor Operations at O’Neil Securities and a contributor to CNBC, wonders what the market would look like without the help of the Federal Reserve over the last nine years. Bob Cerone, Founder & CEO of CognosHR returns to the show to take a deeper dive into healthcare reform. Finally, John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location delves inside the mind of a Trump supporter. 

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History Repeating

Kevin O’Neill leads off the show talking business chain of command, government subsidies and much more. Wayne Madsen of Wayne Madsen Report discusses the Trump presidency as it relates to history. John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures‘ Peoria, AZ location talks trading strategies. 

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Supremely Disappointed

Options guru and veteran floor trader, Frank Fahey, joins Chief for the first 90 minutes of the show. The guys talk white supremacy in Charlottesville, the history behind the Civil War, and the significance of the debt ceiling. David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures discusses the PGA Championship, corporate tax rates and much more. 

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Sense of Insurgency

Lou Michels is in-studio for another spirited debate. Chief and Lou cover everything from valuable baseball cards and today’s Comey hearing, to Islamist insurgents and the overabundance of business regulation. 

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