Guests: Kevin O'Neill

Since Cave Women Needed Larger Caves

This morning, we are joined by Greg and Kevin to talk on all things MLB and NFL. Next, John joins us to discuss politics, local and nationwide. Finally, Audrey joins our second hour to discuss the current housing market.

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Goodhart’s Law?

Lou and Tom explore topics related to the economic and business practices of the Soviet Union, toilet seats, and Goodhardts law. New guest Tommy Grisafi joins to discuss the American farmer, cash rent cowboys, fertilizer cartels followed by Kevin and John’s summary of the average college fatso’s NIL contract.

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Under Pressure…

Chief, Kevin, and Greg comment on (and speculate about) Joe Biden dropping out of the race for President. John calls in on gun control and open borders and Audrey closes the show with thoughts on house prices and free money!

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No Bikinis, No Fun

This morning, it’s Greg and The Chief discussing the AG Market and Vodka Water. Next, we’re joined by John and Kevin to talk on the current state of the MLB and Chicago politics. Finally, Audrey joins our second hour to discuss the current housing market.

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A Home Away From Home

Kevin O’Neill joins our show with a discussion on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, alongside some political and market chats. Special guest Diane Kelley, president of the Friends of Fisher House of Illinois, a non-profit that aids military families during medical crises, joins us for an interview providing information on her cause. John Flannigan closes us discussing the cause and much more.

Lean more about the Friends of Fisher House and donate at:

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