Topics: Binary Options
Media Madness
April 7, 2016
Kevin O’Neill joins The Chief to discuss why Trump lost Wisconsin and the low NCAA media ratings. O’Neill suggests that Wisconsin republicans are true to their party and can see right through Trump’s showmanship. The Chief and O’Neill then analyze the nonstop media attention Trump gains and question who really controls the news these days. Fari Hamzei joins in for the last hour. He and The Chief discuss the pageantry of politics and give an analysis of the markets. The Chief asks why republican candidates aren’t addressing the issue of sky rocketing college tuition costs like their democratic counterparts.
Who Gives a Tax
February 25, 2016
The Chief and Kevin O’Neill spend the first hour discussing the election, corporate leadership, and how Notre Dame is looking for the upcoming NCAA Men’s Basketball championship. In the later hour Fari Hamzei joins the show to talk about taxation and the problems of democratic socialism.
“Fed” Up
February 11, 2016
The Chief starts off the show with Kevin O’Neill addressing Janet Yellen’s testimony to the House Financial Services Committee and discussing the Louisville recruitment scandal. Fari Hamzei joins the mix in the later hour to comment on the Fed, discuss the soaring Yen, and project that the Clinton campaign is a goner after her loss in New Hampshire.
Deutsche’s Got Trouble
February 4, 2016
Kevin O’Neil joins the Chief for the first hour of the show discussing the high interest rates that Chicago Public Schools is promising on its $750 million borrowed in bonds. Then the Chief gives Maddie a lesson in gambling before the crew discusses where to place bets on the Superbowl and how they would spend a big powerball payday. Fari Hamzei joins in for a discussion of football hall of famers and baseball allstars. The Chief and Fari take the show out with a market analysis and discussion of the troubles of Deutsche Bank.
Mary Jane Markets
October 16, 2015
The Chief and Maddie Field start the hour off discussing Michigan vs. Michigan State and the changing admission tactics colleges are using. Kathy Dervin and Kevin Riordan join in for the regular Friday morning round table discussing the MLB playoffs and the Fed’s board of governors. In the second hour Matt Lampert of Socionomics calls in to discuss his doctoral thesis regarding the effects of marijuana legalization on the markets and political scene. John Neal and the Chief take the show out talking about options and more.