Topics: Portugal
Help Out & Dribble
August 6, 2018
Chief and Veteran floor trader, Frank Fahey, start today’s show talking markets, cyber-security, Facebook, and the latest developments at Ohio State…OH-Oh.No. Entering hour-two, Karl Denninger of Market Ticker phones in to discusses US and World Economics, tariffs, taxes, and SEC Rules and Regulations. Chief and David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures wrap up the show talking taxes and continued the discussion regarding the impact of tariffs.
Rule of Law
July 11, 2016
Kevin O’Neill leads things off talking jobs numbers, the Black Lives Matter movement and Cubs minor league prospects. Karl Denninger of Market Ticker shares his thoughts on the government’s failure to enforce laws and how it’s negatively affecting our markets and political landscape. Lastly, David Andalman of PTI Securities & Futures talks $SLV, Jobs Report and more.
Minimum Rage
July 16, 2014
Lou Michels is in-studio talking anti-trust laws, minimum wage and more. Phil Lekousis of Peoples Home Equity makes his weekly appearance to discuss Citi Bank and the mortgage industry in Chicagoland.
An Open Book
July 11, 2014
Kathy Dervin and Kevin Riordan of Capital Trading Group are in-studio talking Portugal, the grain markets and whether or not news is already factored into market pricing. Author, Robert David Steele, joins the program to talk about his latest book “The Open-Source Everything Manifesto” and how the American people can win back their country.