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End of Employees
February 9, 2017
Lou Michels is in-studio for his weekly visit (argument) with the Chief. They discuss fiduciary rule, surge pricing, independent contractors, government waste and much more. They even agree on a few things!
Articles Referenced
The End of Employees
A recession indicator mysteriously sprang up in January, and analysts don’t know why
Gravy Train Flows Wide And Deep At Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
One-Third Don’t Know Obamacare and Affordable Care Act Are the Same
A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform
Guests & Co-Hosts
Lou Michels
Lou Michels is an employment and sports law attorney with a national law firm, who is also an NFL player agent. He joins the Stocks & Jocks show every Thursday morning from Denver, Colorado. Lou represents companies and individuals in dealing with workplace problems ranging from labor union and discrimination cases to employment contracts and trade secret disputes. He played football at Air Force, and graduated from Duke Law School, where he developed an appreciation for college basketball. He is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel. Lou grew up in Winnipeg, Canada, and Minneapolis, where his father was a professional football coach for the Minnesota Vikings for almost 30 years. Read more.
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