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Upticking Away
April 7, 2015
Karl Denninger of Market Ticker returns to the show to talk about the Fed’s influence on today’s markets. Joel Elconin of Benzinga discusses Monday’s interesting uptick. Then, Marty Kearney of the Chicago Board Options Exchange discusses bull markets and more.
NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, shows older than September 11, 2015, are unavailable for download. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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Guests & Co-Hosts
Karl Denninger
Karl Denninger is an American technology businessman, finance blogger, and political activist, sometimes referred to as a founding member of the Tea Party movement.
Denninger was the founder and CEO of MCSNet in Chicago. Opened as Macro Computer Solutions, Incorporated in 1987, it expanded its service offerings in 1993 to become one of the area’s first commercial internet service providers. Among its customers was the Chicago Public Library, which relied on MCSNet for both internet access and web hosting. In 1997 he led a coalition of ISPs in setting up the Enhanced Domain Name System, a short-lived alternative DNS root which allowed registrants to add their own generic top-level domains. Denninger continued to run MCSNet until August 1998, when he sold it to Winstar Communications for an undisclosed amount. For his efforts, the Chicago Sun-Times dubbed him one of “the movers and shakers who brought Chicago into the Internet Age”. After the sale of MCSNet, he moved to Florida, where he began to devote more time to stock trading and political activism.
Joel Elconin
Joel’s introduction to trading was in the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index futures pit at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Also, during his time at the CME, he was involved in Index Arbitrage as well as trading foreign currency futures and options. From 1994-1999 he was a proprietary trader for Olde Discount Corporation. Following his tenure at Olde Discount, he founded the Detroit office of Bright Trading, LLC. His responsibilities included trader recruitment, orientation and education as well as the day to day management of the office. He held this position office until 2003. Since 2003, Joel has been an independent trader researching and developing proprietary indicators and trading systems for the equities and futures markets. In 2007, Joel joined JC Trading Group as a Market Consultant and trading supervisor. He provides daily market commentary at Joel obtained his Bachelor of Art in Political Science from the University of Michigan in 1985. Also, he is a graduate of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Continuing Education Program. He also holds his Series 7 and 63 licenses and is a licensed real estate broker.
Marty Kearney
Mr. Kearney is the co-author of Understanding LEAPS®, published by McGraw-Hill, released in September of 2002 and a contributing author of Options: Essential Concepts and Strategies (3rd edition), edited by The Options Institute, the educational arm of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). Mr. Kearney began his long association with the CBOE when he became an independent Market Maker in early 1981. Mr. Kearney traded equity options full time on the trading floor until 1992 and periodically thereafter until 1996. In early 1992 he became a founding partner and Registered Options Principal of a brokerage firm based in Chicago. Mr. Kearney’s responsibilities included development and implementation of hedging and trading strategies using listed options for their institutional clients as well as their retail investors. Mr. Kearney authored a weekly strategy letter for over four years, and composed the daily comments on the firms’ website, which he helped develop. He has been a regular contributor to many news services including Reuters, Group W, The CBS Radio Network, Derivatives Week, BARRON’S, FORTUNE, Ticker Magazine, Stock Futures and Options, CNBC, Bloomberg, NPR and others. Mr. Kearney served on various committees at the CBOE, including the Arbitration Committee from 1984 to 1996. Prior to joining the CBOE Mr. Kearney was a marketing director for NCR Corporation. Mr. Kearney is a graduate of St. Mary’s University (MN), BS, 1971, and pursued his MBA at Lake Forest Graduate School of Management. In 2006 he completed a 3-year SII/SIA program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. At The Options Institute his duties include helping brokers develop new business with conservative option strategy such as covered- writing and portfolio hedging. He also trains brokerage firms’ compliance department staff.
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