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Going Long
January 29, 2015
Brendan Cournane is in-studio talking municipal finance, falling oil prices, Super Bowl ads and much more. Kevin O’Neill of ND Nation recaps Notre Dame’s win over Duke in men’s hoops.
NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, shows older than September 11, 2015, are unavailable for download. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Articles Referenced
Super Bowl Advertisers Go Long
Guests & Co-Hosts
Brendan Cournane
Brendan Cournane is a public finance attorney who joins Stocks & Jocks every Tuesday morning. He has practiced law for more than 35 years acting primarily as counsel to issuers of municipal debt (bond counsel, underwriters’ counsel, bank counsel and special counsel). He has served in both the private and the public sectors, having been a partner in major U.S. law firms and as in-house counsel to such entities as the City of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools, as well as General Counsel to the Illinois Finance Authority, one of the nation’s largest issuers of conduit municipal bonds. Read more.
Kevin O’Neill
Kevin O’Neill is our Wednesday and Friday morning sports guy. His segment emphasizes what happens off the field as much as what happens on the field. All businesses have their intrigue, but the inner workings of sports organizations find their way into the public domain frequently. Unless a rant from the Chief spills into Kevin’s segment (not an unusual occurrence), he will highlight some of those sports related business issues; but be advised that those highlights usually come with an opinion. Read more.
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