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September 12, 2016
Kevin O’Neill kicks the show off discussing the health of Hillary Clinton, opening weekend in the NFL and more. ‘Ag Mondays’ with Chris Manns of PTI Securities & Futures welcomes Jim Mintert, Director & Professor of the Center for Food & Agricultural Business at Purdue University. Then, David Andalman of DACS Research mildly boasts about his correct market forecast before taking a look at this week in the markets.
Articles Referenced
Hillary Clinton’s health just became a real issue in the presidential campaign
TRUMP: Janet Yellen should be ‘ashamed’ of what she’s doing to the country
Guests & Co-Hosts
Kevin O’Neill
Kevin O’Neill is our Wednesday and Friday morning sports guy. His segment emphasizes what happens off the field as much as what happens on the field. All businesses have their intrigue, but the inner workings of sports organizations find their way into the public domain frequently. Unless a rant from the Chief spills into Kevin’s segment (not an unusual occurrence), he will highlight some of those sports related business issues; but be advised that those highlights usually come with an opinion. Read more.
Chris Manns
Christopher Manns manages PTI Securities & Futures’ global commodities area and is a research analyst. He devotes much of his time to monitoring and analyzing the latest international commodities reports and financial research. This allows him to keep the firm’s management well informed so that they can, in turn, apprise their clients on pertinent information. Christopher has more than 18 years of securities and financial services experience. Prior to joining PTI Securities, he was a floor broker for AE Staley at the Chicago Board of Trade, and worked for the grain division of Rodman & Renshaw. He has authored many commodities articles and training materials, and speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese. Christopher earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Christopher lives with his wife in Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood. Read more.
Jim Mintert
James Mintert is a professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and serves as director of the Center for Commercial Agriculture. Jim joined Purdue’s faculty in 2009 and worked as the assistant director of Extension for agriculture and natural resources before taking on his director responsibilities at the center.
Prior to his time at Purdue, Jim was a professor and Extension state leader in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University for 23 years. He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in agricultural economics from Purdue University and a doctorate from the University of Missouri.
Over the course of his career, Jim has received numerous awards, including Outstanding Extension Program Awards from both the American Agricultural Economics Association and the Western Agricultural Economics Association, in addition to the American Agricultural Economics Association’s Premier Forecaster Award for his livestock production and price forecasts. Jim is also the author of more than 200 publications focusing on the economics of the livestock industry.
David Andalman
Technical Analyst, DACS Research, PTI Securities & Futures
David Andalman joins the Stocks & Jocks show every Monday and Wednesday morning. He was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and earned his bachelor's degree in Engineering from the University of Illinois, and then his MBA in Finance and Marketing from Indiana University. David traded for a year at the MidAmerica Commodity Exchange before starting the DACS Research Newsletters on commodity futures, which were the first all-technical research newsletters at the CME. Currently, he has been a senior wealth manager and portfolio strategist for over 23 years. He holds registrations in Series 3, 4 (Options Principal), 7, 55, 63 and is a registered Commodity Trading Advisor. Read more.
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