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Border Patrol
December 1, 2014
John Neal of PTI Securities & Futures previews the week’s trading session before talking tech stocks. Bruce Moran is in-studio talking anti-terrorism with the author of ‘The New Founders’, Joe Connor, before discussing border patrol with Chuck Floyd, CEO of Security Solutions Technology. Finally, David Andalman of DACS Research talks technicals.
NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, shows older than September 11, 2015, are unavailable for download. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Articles Referenced
The New Founders: What Would George Washington Think of The United States of America if He Were Alive Today?
Guests & Co-Hosts
John Neal
John Neal directs PTI Securities’ Glendale, Arizona office serving the firm’s clients in the Phoenix metro area and across the Western U.S. He oversees day-to-day operations, including client services, investor education, staff management and marketing. John has more than 12 years of management experience in the securities and financial services industry. He joined PTI Securities in 2003 in this role. Prior to that time, he was a branch manager with Phoenix area firms, Granite Capital Management and, most recently, Independent Financial Management. A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, John earned a bachelor’s degree in international management from Arizona State University in Tempe. Away from work, John enjoys reading, live music and outdoor activities. He also volunteers with the St. Vincent De Paul Society and the Lupus Foundation of America. Married with two children, John and his family live in Peoria, Arizona.
Bruce Moran
Bruce J. Moran is a Senior Consultant (Security Solutions Technology, LLC.), Subject Matter Expert (SME) and Strategic Planning Consultant to public officials, committees, departments, agencies, ‘think tanks’ and governments. He is experienced in foreign policy, security operations & hi-tech systems I.E. logistics & operations (connectivity, interoperability and interfacing), SMART* fusion protocols and applications. He consults for The U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. State Department, U.S. Department of Commerce, USTR, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Joint Economic Committee, House/Senate Committees on Banking & Finance, Senate Permanent Committee Investigations and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Joe Connor
Joseph F. Connor has testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relations regarding President Clinton’s1999 clemency grant to 16 terrorist members who claimed his father Frank Connor’s murder, the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2009 during Eric Holder’s confirmationhearing and introduced The Pardon Attorney Reform and Integrity Act to Congress in 2000. Mr. Connor and his brother Tom led the successful 2011 effort to deny parole to the terror leader who refused the Clintons’ 1999 clemency grant.
Having commuted through the WTC on 9/11/01, Connor eye-witnessed the attacks from his nearby office, losing his cousin, father’s god son among others.
Joe conceived of and co-authored with Mike Duncan the entertaining, exciting, emotional and educational novel, The New Founders bringing the founding fathers alive in America today taking on 21st century issues using our founding principles.
Joe’s articles have been published in The New York Post, Human Events, Los Angeles Times, Newsmax, National Review Online and The Wall Street Journal. He currently writes on and contributes and Mr. Connor has also appeared on several news shows including The Kelly File,Hannity, Hannity & Colmes, Fox & Friends, The Steve Malzberg Show, NBC Nightly News, Hardball, America Live as well as various local and nationally syndicated radio programs including Dennis Miller, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity.
Joe had a key role in the Citizens United documentary, Hillary the Movie that was the impetus for the Supreme Court’s overturning of the McCain Feingold Campaign Finance law.
In 2013, Joe initiated City College of New York’s shuttering of the student / community center named for FALN bomber, fugitive Guillermo Morales and cop killer Assata Shakur.
Joe is active in his local Tea Party movement and received a 2011 award from the National Conference on Jewish Affairs and The United Liberty Alliance.
A 1988 graduate of Villanova University, Joe is married and lives in the NY metropolitan area with his wife and two children. He works in the financial services industry.
Chuck Floyd
Chuck is a senior executive with an MBA and a Masters degree in Logistics, with over 25 years of experience driving strategy, business development, market penetration, regulatory compliance, acquisitions, program management, and joint ventures with industry and the U.S. Departments of State, Defense, Homeland Security, Health & Human Services, Justice, Veteran Affairs, and the U.S. Congress. He is also adept at managing domestic and international teams, collaborating with business, government and other stakeholders, and leading large-scale programs from planning to completion. His extensive expertise includes strategic planning, business development & capture, marketing, program management, security, spiral & agile development, Six Sigma and ISO process improvements, P&L, supply chain and operations management. He has experience writing legislation and managing government relation programs.
Chuck has traveled to over 50 countries around the world and has coordinated contracts, policy, and agreements with foreign government officials. He also has experience building, managing, and motivating high-performing teams that exceed expectations and company objectives.
David Andalman
Technical Analyst, DACS Research, PTI Securities & Futures
David Andalman joins the Stocks & Jocks show every Monday and Wednesday morning. He was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and earned his bachelor's degree in Engineering from the University of Illinois, and then his MBA in Finance and Marketing from Indiana University. David traded for a year at the MidAmerica Commodity Exchange before starting the DACS Research Newsletters on commodity futures, which were the first all-technical research newsletters at the CME. Currently, he has been a senior wealth manager and portfolio strategist for over 23 years. He holds registrations in Series 3, 4 (Options Principal), 7, 55, 63 and is a registered Commodity Trading Advisor. Read more.
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