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Yellen at Janet
February 26, 2015
Matty Weber and the Chief break down Janet Yellen’s comments and discuss the value in auditing the Federal Reserve. Kevin O’Neill calls in for his weekly “Sportsbiz” segment.
NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, shows older than September 11, 2015, are unavailable for download. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Articles Referenced
Jim Rickards: Coming Economic Depression
Kevin O’Neill’s Latest Column: Talking to Myself
Inglewood approves NFL stadium, bypassing public vote
Guests & Co-Hosts
Kevin O’Neill
Kevin O’Neill is our Wednesday and Friday morning sports guy. His segment emphasizes what happens off the field as much as what happens on the field. All businesses have their intrigue, but the inner workings of sports organizations find their way into the public domain frequently. Unless a rant from the Chief spills into Kevin’s segment (not an unusual occurrence), he will highlight some of those sports related business issues; but be advised that those highlights usually come with an opinion. Read more.
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